Thursday 26 June 2008

Online Poker Rooms (Part 1)

Online poker rooms have flourished since its advent on the Internet. Online poker rooms are spreading out among the players and gamblers throughout the world. It is becoming very famous as an alternative to the brick and mortar casino poker game.

Online poker rooms are the hallmark of the fame that the Internet have reached over the years. No online poker rooms were available in the 1970s up to the 1980s when casino gambling houses have removed poker rooms in favor of baccarat and blackjack.

What Online Poker Rooms Can Offer:

The casino gambling houses of the yesteryears are not in favor of poker rooms because of wide cheating and the lack of security measures that can be implemented.

Online poker rooms of today have solved this problem by implementing collusion detection abilities in their poker games. Online poker software can easily monitor betting patterns and style of each player and can identify possible collusions between players or gamblers.

Online poker rooms can also identify the IP addresses of each player or gambler and can pinpoint their location. By using this technique, online poker rooms can easily identify if a player or gambler is committing fraud by collusion with other players.

Using the online poker softwares, online poker rooms can also make a list of players or gamblers that have committed fraudulent acts before. In this way, they can easily ban the players or gamblers from the online poker rooms.

What Online Poker Rooms Need To Answer:

Though there are numerous advantages that the online poker rooms can offer over the brick and mortar casino poker game, there are also questions from people that has doubts on playing in an online poker rooms. These are enumerated below:

1. How can online poker rooms assure the human players that who they are playing against are real people and not some simulated figures by the online poker room software?

There must be some measures taken to ensure that the players have a way of reassuring themselves that they will not be fooled by these online poker rooms. The failure of online poker rooms to make sure that all the players within an online poker room are human is an important matter that must be addressed immediately.

There have been cases before wherein online poker rooms will be subjected to closure once they are caught including a simulated player in an online poker room.

2. How can online poker rooms assure the human players or gamblers that it is a randomly dealt deck of cards? People may think that the whole online poker play is a set-up and will eventually not play anymore.

These people will remain to be in doubt unless online poker rooms can assure the integrity of the poker games.

People do not want to risk losing money just because they were fooled by an online gambling game. They know that the poker game can be rigged in a way that will let them win a little then slowly fleece them out of all their money and resources.

3. People also have doubts regarding the security of online payment. Online poker rooms must attend to this concern seriously.

How will a person know that an online gambling website can be trusted with their bank account and their credit card information?

This possible fraud is taken seriously by law enforcement agencies. A player will have no idea that the online gambling website is cleaning him out of his money. Without his knowledge, a hacker could easily max out the credit card that you have.

Going after these kinds of fraudsters is very hard these days specially if the hacker is located miles away from your original location.

Conclusion On Online Poker Rooms:

There are as many good online poker rooms as there are bad online poker rooms. The truth is, online poker rooms are business that desire to take your money away from you so even if there online poker rooms out there that will be able to gain your trust to play in their poker games, adopt strategies that will help you in identifying possible pitfalls.

Never fall for any slick marketing campaigns that online poker rooms will undertake. Always be careful and watchful of any signs that the online poker room where you are playing has a few loopholes in it. Withdraw immediately and call their attention regarding their security loopholes for their action.

Never return to play on this online poker room until proper security measures are made.

Tomorrow I'll discuss how to find the best poker rooms.

Till then,
Robert Temple

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